Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Star Wars and Isetan

Did you know that Isetan, the venerable Japanese department store, plays the Star Wars theme over the PA (public announcement) system to signal break time? I had no idea. Not that I've ever spent that much time in Isetan. That place is really crowded on weekends.


B said...

You mean the "Imperial March"? Wierd - not sure I'd want my employees associating break time with tyranny and totalitarianism...

kuri* said...

Hrm. You're right. I think they're thinking more of the movie and fun time as opposed to the meaning of the song in the movie, but you're right. It's a little weird.

Anonymous said...

I think the imperial march rules. Imagine it coming over the PA system at your company and then seeing everyone line up and start walking like storm troopers. Muah ahahaha.

Anonymous said...

Har, the above comment would be from me. But of course I didn't know which button to select between blooger, other and anonymous.

kuri* said...

laf. Isetan employees probably aren't quite so interesting.